A young sailor finds a hidden treasure on a remote island and decides to take it to his ship. Yet as he soon find's out the treasure belonged to a an evil Pirate that got the word about his actions and now hunts him down threatening and shooting bullets all over the place. Beside having to deal with the Pirate the young boy also needs to protect himself against all sort of other villains and deadly traps. So if you are up to the challenge hit the start the button and let the adventure begin
Happy Filed Class
Dr. Psycho - Hospital Escape
Bubble Shooter Spooky
Amgel Mild Challenge Escape 2
ArchHero: Viking story
Halloween Cemetery Escape 2
Tetris Puzzle Blocks
Goal Finger Soccer
Samurai Vs Zombie 2D
Super Kid : Perfect Jump
Quiz Me
Retro Kick Boxing
Villains Vs Princesses School Fashion
Alien Jump
The Sword Knight
Noob vs Blue Monster Gamee
My factory
Ninja Attack Action Survival Game
Tumble Master
Mutant Assassin 3D
Blocky Driver Cars Demolition
Easy to Paint Summer
Stunt Car Challenges
Plumber World
Princpppess Salon: Frozen PartySalon
Motocross Zombie
Star Dot
Ghastly House Escape
One Jump Bomb